We had a day full of doctor's appointments - but GREAT news in all!
Mom has no malignancies! We had the lump removed on Thursday of last week, and the follow-up was today. Great news for us! Now poor mom has to recover from her stitches and her softball size bruise! OUCH!!!
Baby Kole (aka...Koleman Lane Hendrix) is BIG!!! I am officially 20 weeks, 5 days and the femur length measured 25 weeks, 3 days!!! That would be 5 weeks ahead of schedule! Holton was a big boy, but never measured this big-this early! Everything else also measured large - including his head and his lips!!! You could see his mouth opening, which was so sweet! Then, Dr. Killeen says, "Look at the lips on this kid!" That always makes you feel good...or not! I can't believe I am already over half-way finished! I am VERY sad - but loving every minute!
Off the doctor appointment topic, but I have to share a Holton funny - which are always great in number! We had our first $100 circus visit - thanks to mom and dad! Who ever thought the circus could be so expensive??? Holton LOVED it! Of course we had to eat hot dogs, popcorn, M&M's, brownies, and cokes - and of course we had to buy all of the CRAP the crazy drug heads are selling - because every other kid is getting these toys and I would be a terrible mom if my child had to sit and watch all of the other kids play with their $12 sword while he sat and watched!!! But, back to the story - of course, he loved the elephants. Not their tricks, or their costumes, or their all around cuteness - but he LOVED how they pooped in a bucket in the middle of the ring! Don't think that wasn't the first thing out of his mouth as he greeted his teacher this morning - "I saw the elephant poop in the bucket!" Yeah...this is the rest of my life of boys...pooping, tooting, boogers, etc., etc., etc.! But I have to admit...I love every minute of it!
Braces, Fireworks, Anniversaries, & Fun!
9 years ago